Discount Codes
We regularly offers great deals you won't want to miss out on that you can take advantage of by using a special discount code. Enter this code in a special field during checkout (in the 'your basket' section) and a pre-determined offer or percentage will automatically be deducted from your order total. If the discount code is only valid for certain products or categories, the discount will only be applied to those products.
- It is not possible to use more than one discount code for a single order.
- You may use a discount code only once. If you send a product back for an exchange, you cannot use the same discount code for a new product.
How do I redeem my discount code?
- It's easy! Add the product/s you want to your cart.
- Go through to cart and check your order through to checkout.
- Enter your shipping details.
- Enter discount code (located to the left of the total amount). A field will appear above the total amount where you can enter the code.
- Click on the button:Â Apply.
- The discount percentage will be calculated automatically. You will see the amount deducted above the 'subtotal' line..
- Now, you can either continue shopping or continue to checkout!
Drop Us A Line
Our customers mean the world to us, and we love hearing from you! More than welcome to email us to or just send through a note using the contact form below. We are happy to answer questions or help you with anything you need.
Store Information
We'd love to hear from you - please use the form to send us your message, questions or ideas:
Address: 23 Dawson Street,
Coburg North, Victoria, 3058
Phone: 03 9416 8766
Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm
Warehouse by Appointment Only